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Stellar Cycles Post Assessment Activity - Task Specific Scoring Rubric

Content Understanding Communication
4pts- Student has the correct sequence for all of the images they have been given. Each stage is described completely, accurately, and in detail.

3 pts- Student has the correct sequence for three quarters of the images they have been given. Each stage is described completely and accurately.

2 pts- Student has the correct sequence for at least half of the images they have been given. All of the stages are described, but there may be incomplete information and/or some inaccuracies.

1 pt- Student has the correct sequence for at least one quarter of the images they have been given. All of the stages are described, but information is incomplete and/or there are inaccuracies.

0 pts- Incomplete or missing
4 pts- Student describes each stage in detail using correct terminology and language that has been translated for a sixth grade audience. Information is clearly understood by the listener or reader and does not sound as if it was merely copied off the web site.

3 pts- Student describes each stage using correct terminology and language that has been translated for a sixth grade audience. Information can be understood by the listener or reader and in most cases, does not sound as if it was merely copied off the web site.

2 pts- Student describes some stages but some terminology and/or language may not be translated for a sixth grade audience. Information may be unclear to the listener or reader and may sound as if it was copied from the web site.

1 pt- Student describes some stages but much of the terminology and/or language is not translated for a sixth grade audience. Information is vague and/or confusing to the listener or reader and may sound as if it was copied from the web site.

0 pts- Incomplete or missing
