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Our Cosmic Connections Activity - Image Descriptions

The name and type of object and/or artist illustration for each of the images is listed below. The stage of stellar evolution is indicated by the bold type. The URL for each of the deep sky objects is listed. For more specific information concerning the sequencing or selection of the images please refer to the Teacher Guide and Answer Key.

  1. Planet Earth
    [NASA image]

  2. Sirius B (bright object in foreground) is a white dwarf in a binary system with Sirius A (dim object in the background) - a 2 solar mass main sequence star.
    [Chandra X-Ray Observatory image]

  3. DEM L71 is a Type Ia supernova remnant in the Large Magellanic cloud. It is the remains of a supernova explosion that destroyed a white dwarf star.
    [Chandra X-Ray Observatory image]

  4. Betelgeuse is a red supergiant in the constellation of Orion.
    [Hubble Space Telescope image]

  5. The Orion Nebula is a stellar nursery.
    [Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope - CFHT image]

  6. V838 Mon is slightly more massive than the Sun and has dramatically brightened and faded over time, and is considered to be in the red supergiant stage of evolution.
    [Hubble Space Telescope image]

  7. The Sun is a mid-sized main sequence star. [Solar and Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO) image] http://antwrp.gsfc.nasa.gov/apod/ap981212.html

  8. Close-up of stellar nursery in the Eagle Nebula (M16).
    [Hubble Space Telescope image]

  9. Eta Carina is a 100 solar mass star that will end its life in a Type II supernova explosion in the near future.
    [Hubble Space Telescope image]

  10. Artist William Hartmann's illustration of a proto-planetary system. http://www.psi.edu/hartmann/

  11. A new white dwarf, NGC 2440.
    [Hubble Space Telescope]

  12. Cas A is a Type II supernova remnant with a neutron star core.
    [Chandra X-Ray Observatory image]

  13. The Eight Burst Nebula (NGC 3132) is a planetary nebula with a white dwarf core. The white dwarf is the dim star just above and to the right of the bright foreground star.
    [Hubble Space Telescope image]

  14. This proto-planetary disk is located within the Orion Nebula stellar nursery.
    [Hubble Space Telescope image]

  15. Massive blue stars, the Pleiades open cluster.
    [David Malin, Anglo Australian Observatory]

  16. Artist Illustration of black hole.
    [Chandra X-Ray Center, M. Weiss]

  17. Expanding supernova remnant from Cas A supernova event.
    [Hubble Space Telescope image]

  18. Artist illustration of red giant and white dwarf in binary system.
    [NASA artist]

  19. Artist Dave Shaver's illustration of a supernova explosion.

  20. Artist illustration of a white dwarf core remnant.
    [University of Leicester, UK image]

  21. T Tauri star.
    [Hubble Space Telescope image]

  22. Artist Dana Berry's illustration which is used to represents a Type Ia supernova explosion in this activity.

  23. Artist Jeff Bryant's illustration of red giant stage of a star similar to the Sun.

  24. The Crab pulsar.
    [Chandra X-ray Observatory image]

Illustrations from artists William Hartmann, Dana Berry, Dave Shaver and Jeff Bryant are included with this activity by special permission from the artists.
