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Chandra X-ray Image of NGC 2841
This Chandra X-ray image shows NGC 2841, a large spiral galaxy about 50 million light years from Earth. Rapid outflows of gas from giant stars and supernova explosions in the disk of a galaxy create huge shells or bubbles of hot gas that expand rapidly and rise above the disk like plumes of smoke from a chimney. Chandra's image provides direct evidence for this process, which pumps energy into the thin gaseous halo that surrounds the galaxy.
Scale: Image is 5.75 arcmin across
(Credit: NASA/CXC/U. Mass/Q.D. Wang)
This Chandra X-ray image shows NGC 2841, a large spiral galaxy about 50 million light years from Earth. Rapid outflows of gas from giant stars and supernova explosions in the disk of a galaxy create huge shells or bubbles of hot gas that expand rapidly and rise above the disk like plumes of smoke from a chimney. Chandra's image provides direct evidence for this process, which pumps energy into the thin gaseous halo that surrounds the galaxy.
Scale: Image is 5.75 arcmin across
(Credit: NASA/CXC/U. Mass/Q.D. Wang)
KPNO Optical Image of NGC 2841
This optical image of spiral galaxy NGC 2841 shows a disk of stars and gas. Taken by the Kitt Peak National Observatory (KPNO), this image is the same field of view as the Chandra image above.
Scale:Image is 5.75 arcmin across
(Credit: Optical: NOAO/KPNO)
This optical image of spiral galaxy NGC 2841 shows a disk of stars and gas. Taken by the Kitt Peak National Observatory (KPNO), this image is the same field of view as the Chandra image above.
Scale:Image is 5.75 arcmin across
(Credit: Optical: NOAO/KPNO)
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