This composite image of the Medusa galaxy (also known as NGC 4194) shows
X-ray data from NASA's Chandra X-ray Observatory in blue and optical
light from the Hubble Space Telescope in orange. Located above the
center of the galaxy and seen in the optical data, the "hair" of
the Medusa -- made of snakes in the Greek myth -- is a tidal tail
formed by a collision between galaxies. The bright X-ray source found
towards the left side of Medusa's hair is a black hole (rollover the image to view).
Most bright X-ray sources in galaxies are binaries containing either
stellar mass black holes or neutron stars that remain after the
supernova explosion of a massive star. Because these compact objects
can generate X-rays for much longer periods of time than the lifetime
of their massive progenitor stars, X-ray binaries may be used as
"fossils" to study the star formation history of their host galaxies.
In this Medusa image, the X-ray binaries are seen as the bright blue
point-like objects.
A recent study of the Medusa galaxy and nine other galaxies measured
the correlation between the formation of stars and the production of X-
ray binaries. A key feature was to study this correlation for the
Medusa galaxy and NGC 7541, two galaxies with particularly high star
formation rates. It was found that both the number of bright X-ray
sources and their average brightness were related to the rate at which
stars formed. This work may be useful for attempts to use X-ray
brightness to measure the rate of star formation in galaxies at very
large distances.
It was also found that for every one million tons of gas that goes
into making stars, one ton gets pulled onto a stellar mass black hole or a neutron star. This result may help create more accurate models
of the formation of X-ray binaries.
Fast Facts for NGC 4194: |
Credit |
X-ray: NASA/CXC/Univ of Iowa/P.Kaaret et al.; Optical: NASA/ESA/STScI/Univ of Iowa/P.Kaaret et al. |
Release Date |
March 11, 2009 |
Scale |
Image is
2.5 arcmin across |
Category |
Groups & Clusters of Galaxies |
Coordinates (J2000) |
RA 12h 14m 09.5s | Dec +54° 31´ 37" |
Constellation |
Ursa Major |
Observation Date |
September 9th, 2006
Observation Time |
10 hours |
Obs. ID |
Instrument |
Also Known As | Medusa Galaxy | References | P. Kaaret & A. Alonso-Herrero, 2008, ApJ, 682, 1020 |
Color Code |
X-ray (Blue); Optical (Orange) |
Distance Estimate |
110 million light years |
Very very interesting and exciting
if only I could understand... it's so difficult, too big for a simple mind like mine, but thanks for trying it.
Posted by Enzo Volger on Thursday, 07.17.14 @ 23:29pm