Friday 21 February 2020 9.00am EDT
During the last week the observing schedule was replanned to incorporate an observation of GRB200219A, which was accepted as a Target of Opportunity on Feb 19. Loads for the replanned schedule will be uplinked on Feb 21. A scheduled observation of SPT-CLJ2335-5434 was impacted by the replan and will be rescheduled in a future week. A real-time procedure was executed on Feb 15 to perform a diagnostic dump of the Control Processing Electronics (CPE). A Chandra image release was issued on Feb 20 featuring several X-ray binary stars in the Milky Way globular cluster Terzan 5, located about 19,000 light years from Earth. The most remarkable of these binaries, composed of a neutron star in a close orbit with a sun-like star, was observed switching between the behavior expected for a low-mass X-ray binary to that expected for a millisecond pulsar and back again. For more information see: The schedule of targets for the next week is shown below and includes an observation of SN2020bvc, which is a followup to a Director's Discretionary Time Target of Opportunity accepted on Feb 12. |
A1240 ACIS-I Feb 22 EtaCarinaedeepmin ACIS-S SPT-CLJ2335-5434 ACIS-I RMJ100750.4+003154.7 ACIS-I Feb 23 GRB200219A ACIS-S Brey84 ACIS-S/HETG Radiation Belts Feb 24 E0102-72 ACIS-S PMNJ1103-2329 HRC-S /LETG LEDA64440 ACIS-S Feb 25 PSRJ2022+3842 ACIS-S SDSSJ1228+3414 ACIS-S Feb 26 Spiderweb ACIS-S Radiation Belts Feb 27 A1240 ACIS-I PSRJ2022+3842 ACIS-S Spiderweb ACIS-S 3CR390 ACIS-S Feb 28 J105854.8+080044.1 ACIS-S SN2020bvc ACIS-S PSRJ2022+3842 ACIS-S Feb 29 Radiation Belts PSRJ2022+3842 ACIS-S Spiderweb ACIS-S Mar 1 PSRJ2022+3842 ACIS-S A1240 ACIS-I
All spacecraft subsystems continued to support nominal operations.
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