Friday 13 March 2020 9.00am EDT
During the last week the observing schedule was replanned to incorporate an observation of AT2019wxt, which was accepted as a Target of Opportunity on Mar 10. Loads for the replanned schedule were uplinked on Mar 12. Scheduled observations of SPT-CLJ2323-5753, Spiderweb, A1240, and H1821_643 were impacted by the replan and will be rescheduled in a future week. A real-time procedure was executed on Mar 13 to uplink a flight software patch of the on-board computer (OBC) that improves the Aspect Camera ability to reacquire a guide star when that tracking slot has been captured by a nearby hot pixel. The Chandra Cycle 22 deadline is moved to Apr 2 6PM EDT for all proposers. This is to help mitigate the effects that the COVID-19 virus is having on the global Chandra community. The schedule of targets for the next week is shown below and includes an observation of PKS 1413+135, which is a follow-up to a Director's Discretionary Time Target of Opportunity which was accepted on Oct 18. |
Radiation Belts Mar 16 SPT-CLJ2335-5434 ACIS-I Spiderweb ACIS-S Mar 17 SPT-CLJ0217-5014 ACIS-I Spiderweb ACIS-S SPT-CLJ0217-5014 ACIS-I Mar 18 HZ43 HRC-S /LETG J101526.38+305451.9 ACIS-I Radiation Belts Mar 19 J123525.9+355622.9 ACIS-S 16CygABC HRC-I NGC4438 ACIS-S 16CygABC HRC-I Mar 20 NGC4438 ACIS-S SDSSJ143031.19+5242 ACIS-S Mar 21 NGC4235 ACIS-S Radiation Belts PKS1413+135 ACIS-S Mar 22 CIZAJ0107.7+5408 ACIS-I SDSSJ1223+1241 ACIS-S
All spacecraft subsystems continued to support nominal operations.
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