Friday 24 April 2020 9.00am EDT
During the last week Chandra completed the observing schedule as planned. Real-time procedures were executed during each ground contact to reset the DSN Outage Dead Man Load. A Chandra press release was issued on Apr 23 describing observations of a star that had a close encounter with a supermassive black hole and survived. Based on X-ray data from NASA's Chandra X-ray Observatory and ESA's XMM-Newton, it appears that a red giant star was captured by the strong gravity of the black hole and then was stripped of its outer layers, leaving behind a white dwarf in a 9-hour orbit. During each orbit the black hole strips more material from the white dwarf, releasing a periodic burst of X-rays. For details see: Of note this week was the release on Apr 22 of CIAO Scripts package 4.12.2. The release includes several important updates, primarily to address changes introduced in the DS 10.8.3 update, which is the underlying software running the standard processing pipeline on new observations. For more details see: The schedule of targets for the next week is shown below and includes an observation of SDSS J082905.98+420204.3, which was accepted as a Target of Opportunity on Apr 8, an observation of PKS 0620-52, which was accepted as a Target of Opportunity on Feb 5, and an observation of C/2019 Y4 ATLAS, which was accepted as a Director's Discretionary Time Target of Opportunity on Apr 10. |
PKS0620-52 ACIS-I Apr 27 SPT-CLJ1315-2806 ACIS-I Radiation Belts Apr 28 SDSSJ082905.98+4202 ACIS-S C/2019Y4ATLAS (9) HRC-S /LETG IC4296 HRC-I OrionNebulaCluster ACIS-S/HETG Apr 29 IC4296 HRC-I Terzan1 ACIS-S Apr 30 Radiation Belts SPT-CLJ1315-2806 ACIS-I IC4296 HRC-I May 1 H1821+643 ACIS-S OrionNebulaCluster ACIS-S/HETG SPT-CLJ1315-2806 ACIS-I May 2 SDSSJ082905.98+4202 ACIS-S Spiderweb ACIS-S Radiation Belts May 3 CentaurusA ACIS-I H1821+643 ACIS-S
All spacecraft subsystems continued to support nominal operations.
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