These materials are accessible to both visually impaired and sighted readers, with materials presenting celestial objects as they appear through visible-light telescopes and in different spectral regions that are invisible to the naked eye.
From Earth to the Solar System (FETTSS)
From Earth to the Solar System (FETTSS) is a collection of images that showcase the excitement of planetary exploration. A tactile and Braille all-weather poster series mounted on still styrene provides additional connections with the FETTSS materials. There are 8 images for this Braille/tactile poster series.
More on FETTSS
Tactile & Braille HTE
A tactile and Braille poster series mounted on still styrene helps to provide connections with Here, There & Everywhere (HTE) materials. The seven topics covered in the HTE Braille/tactile poster series include eruptions, shadows, wind, erosion, outflows, seeding and spirals. Audio files of the text from the Braille panels are also provided.
More on HTE
3D Prints
Free downloads for printable 3D models on Chandra and exploded stars are available.
Touch the Invisible Sky
NASA's Braille book "Touch the Invisible Sky" presents an introduction to modern, multi-wavelength astronomy studies to the sight disabled community.
More on the book
Audio recordings of Touch the Invisible Sky.
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Request From Earth to the Universe Braille/Tactile Posters
Celestial objects as they appear through visible-light telescopes and in different spectral regions that are invisible to the naked eye. The posters use a combination of Braille and large-format traditional text, and a variety of tactile textures and symbols. (Please note, these materials are available to educators for use with their organizations. We cannot fill requests for personal use. )
Request form

Listen to
Audio Podcasts about the Chandra X-ray Observatory & its findings.
A Universe of Notes
This audio explanation of the electromagnetic spectrum makes an analogy between sound and light.