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Video Series: Miscellaneous Objects

Recent discoveries and updates of the Chandra mission in video and audio formats.

Chandras Extraordinary Universe (12-21-2009)
In ten years of operation, the Chandra X-ray Observatory has transformed our view of the high-energy universe.

- Related Links:
--  Animations & Video: Introductory Trailer to Chandra
--  Chandras First Decade of Discovery

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Introductory Trailer to Chandra (08-10-2009)
In Florence, Italy, in the year 1609, the world changed. Using a small telescope, Galileo proved that the Earth is not distinct from the universe, but part of it. And he showed that there is much more to the universe than we see with the naked eye.

- Related Links:
--  Animations & Video: Introductory Trailer to Chandra
--  Chandra's First Decade of Discovery

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Peering Into the X-ray Future (05-05-2009)
This episode will touch on some of the areas in which astronomers hope X-ray telescopes will push our knowledge forward in the years to come.

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Chandra in the (Google) Sky (01-29-2008)
Astronomy is truly in a golden age. With a fleet of space-based observatories, including the Chandra X-ray Observatory, astronomers now have a suite of amazing tools to study the Universe. Simultaneously to this bonanza in astronomy has been the growth and expansion of the Internet. Think back to before 1990. The Internet was barely a rumor and there were no Great Observatories! But now people are taking advantage of these two seemingly separate advances to do some amazing things

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From First Light to Eighth Anniversary (08-24-2007)
Chandra's launch aboard the Space Shuttle Columbia on July 23, 1999, was obviously a very important event. However, you might say it wasn't until about a month later that the Chandra mission really got started. In late August, after weeks of getting the spacecraft into the correct orbit and testing out various aspects of the satellite, Chandra was ready for its debut to the public. This was Chandra's First Light. Chandra's director, Dr. Harvey Tananbaum, explains the significance of that early image.

- Related Links:
--  Cassiopeia A

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