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Video Series: Miscellaneous Objects

Recent discoveries and updates of the Chandra mission in video and audio formats.

Chandra Images in 2012 (01-08-2013)
The Chandra images included in this short 2012 retrospective are drawn from dozens of images posted on our website (from among hundreds taken) in the past year to show the breadth and depth of research done using Chandra.

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Ice Core Records: From Volcanoes to Supernovas (01-27-2012)
Researchers have been traveling for decades to some of the coldest places on the planet to uncover some of the secrets from space that have been left behind on Earth.

- Related Links:
--  Ice Core Records - From Volcanoes to Supernovas
--  Ice Core Records: From Volcanoes to Supernovas (Part II)

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Aesthetics and Astronomy (12-10-2010)
Every year, hundreds of astronomical images are released to the general public by the many telescopes on the ground and in space.

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A Tour of GOODS (10-14-2010)
The most powerful telescopes on the ground and in space have joined forces over the last decade in a unique observing campaign, known as GOODS, which reaches across the spectrum and deep back into cosmic time.

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Best of The Beautiful Universe (12-28-2009)
In its first decade of exploration, Chandra has expanded our view of the universe with its unrivaled ability to create high-resolution X-ray images of cosmic phenomena.

- Related Links:
--  Deep Impact - Chandra Top Ten (Plus One) in Ten
--  Chandras First Decade of Discovery

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