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A Tour of SDSS J103842.59+484917.7 (11-24-2015)
One hundred years ago this month, Albert Einstein published his theory of general relativity, one of the most important scientific achievements in the last century.

- Related Links:
--  Where Alice in Wonderland Meets Albert Einstein

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A Tour of Delta Orionis (11-16-2015)
Modern astronomers know that Delta Orionis is not simply one single star, but rather it is a complex multiple star system.

- Related Links:
--  More Than Meets the Eye: Delta Orionis in Orion's Belt

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Space Scoop: The Teeny Tiny Planet Destroyer (10-29-2015)
Astronomers have recently discovered evidence that a planet may have been destroyed in our very own Galaxy.

- Related Links:
--  The Teeny Tiny Planet Destroyer

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A Tour of ASASSN-14li (10-23-2015)
When something, like a star or a planet, wanders too close to a black hole, it is usually not good news for that object.

- Related Links:
--  Destroyed Star Rains onto Black Hole, Winds Blow it Back

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Light Beyond the Bulb: Bent Light in Space (10-13-2015)
One of the most interesting characteristics of light is that the path that it travels can bend.

- Related Links:
--  Light Beyond the Bulb

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Please note: These podcasts include artist illustrations and conceptual animations in addition to astronomical data.