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M83 in 60 Seconds (05-02-2012)
Since the 1980s, astronomers have known about a mysterious class of objects that they call "ultraluminous X-ray sources," or ULXs.

- Related Links:
--  A Remarkable Outburst from an Old Black Hole
--  Tour of M83

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Musket Ball Cluster in 60 Seconds (04-16-2012)
Using a combination of powerful observatories in space and on the ground, astronomers have discovered a violent collision between two galaxy clusters.

- Related Links:
--  Discovery of the Musket Ball Cluster
--  Tour of DLSCL J0916.2+2951

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Stop for Science: Listening to Light (04-11-2012)
When we look up on a dark night, we see a sky filled with stars. The light from a star, like the light from a flashlight or a lightning bug, is one form of electromagnetic radiation.

- Related Links:
--  STOP for Science: Over the Rainbow
--  X-rays & Light

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Cassiopeia A in 60 Seconds (04-03-2012)
Over three hundred years ago, a very large star ran out of fuel and collapsed. This event created an explosion, known as a supernova, which then produced an expanding field of debris.

- Related Links:
--  A Star Explodes and Turns Inside Out
--  Tour of Cassiopeia A

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A Tour of 3C 186: An Interview with Dr. Aneta Siemiginowska (03-23-2012)
A galaxy cluster containing a structure never previously seen so far from Earth has been observed by Chandra X-ray Observatory.

- Related Links:
--  Precocious Galaxy Cluster Identified by Chandra
--  Tour of 3C186

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Please note: These podcasts include artist illustrations and conceptual animations in addition to astronomical data.