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January 6 - 10, 2002
1. Chandra Observations of the Gravitational Lenses PG 1115+080 and APM 08279+5255
Determination of a time-delay and constraints on H0 X. Dai, G. Chartas, G. P. Garmire (Penn State U.), M. W. Bautz (Center for Space Research, MIT)
(Photo: CXC)
Determination of a time-delay and constraints on H0 X. Dai, G. Chartas, G. P. Garmire (Penn State U.), M. W. Bautz (Center for Space Research, MIT)
(Photo: CXC)
2. Chandra Imaging of the Black Widow Pulsar B1957+20
B.M. Gaensler (Harvard-Smithsonian CfA), B.W. Stappers (ASTRON), V.M. Kaspi (McGill U), M. van der Klis (U Amsterdam), W.H.G. Lewin (MIT )
(Photo: CXC)
B.M. Gaensler (Harvard-Smithsonian CfA), B.W. Stappers (ASTRON), V.M. Kaspi (McGill U), M. van der Klis (U Amsterdam), W.H.G. Lewin (MIT )
(Photo: CXC)
3. Chandra Imaging of the Black Widow Pulsar B1957+20
B.M. Gaensler (Harvard-Smithsonian CfA), B.W. Stappers (ASTRON), V.M. Kaspi (McGill U), M. van der Klis (U Amsterdam), W.H.G. Lewin (MIT )
(Photo: CXC)
B.M. Gaensler (Harvard-Smithsonian CfA), B.W. Stappers (ASTRON), V.M. Kaspi (McGill U), M. van der Klis (U Amsterdam), W.H.G. Lewin (MIT )
(Photo: CXC)
4. New X-ray Features in the Elliptical Galaxy NGC 4472
B. Biller, C. Jones, W. Forman, R. Kraft (Harvard-Smithsonian CfA)
(Photo: CXC)
B. Biller, C. Jones, W. Forman, R. Kraft (Harvard-Smithsonian CfA)
(Photo: CXC)
5. New X-ray Features in the Elliptical Galaxy NGC 4472
B. Biller, C. Jones, W. Forman, R. Kraft (Harvard-Smithsonian CfA)
(Photo: CXC)
B. Biller, C. Jones, W. Forman, R. Kraft (Harvard-Smithsonian CfA)
(Photo: CXC)
6. Chandra Observation of the Sombrero Galaxy (NGC 4594)
K.M. Delain, W.R. Forman, C. Jones, S.S. Murray, R.P. Kraft (Harvard-Smithsonian CfA)
(Photo: CXC)
K.M. Delain, W.R. Forman, C. Jones, S.S. Murray, R.P. Kraft (Harvard-Smithsonian CfA)
(Photo: CXC)
7. Chandra Observation of the Sombrero Galaxy (NGC 4594)
K.M. Delain, W.R. Forman, C. Jones, S.S. Murray, R.P. Kraft (Harvard-Smithsonian CfA)
(Photo: CXC)
K.M. Delain, W.R. Forman, C. Jones, S.S. Murray, R.P. Kraft (Harvard-Smithsonian CfA)
(Photo: CXC)
8. Chandra Studies of Spiral Galaxies: Four Observations of NGC 1637
E. M. Schlegel (Harvard-Smithsonian CfA)
(Photo: CXC)
E. M. Schlegel (Harvard-Smithsonian CfA)
(Photo: CXC)
9. Metallicity of Diffuse Gas in Early Type Galxies from Chandra Archive
A. E. Athey, J. N. Bregman , J. A. Irwin (University of Michigan)
(Photo: CXC)
A. E. Athey, J. N. Bregman , J. A. Irwin (University of Michigan)
(Photo: CXC)
10. Identifying X-ray Sources in Bulge and Disk Galaxies
A.H. Prestwich, R. Kilgard, M.I. Krauss, P. Kaaret, A. Zezas, J.C McDowell, F. Primini (Harvard-Smithsonian CfA), M. Ward (U of Leicester, UK), G. Trinchieri (Osservatorio Astronomico di Brera)
(Photo: CXC)
A.H. Prestwich, R. Kilgard, M.I. Krauss, P. Kaaret, A. Zezas, J.C McDowell, F. Primini (Harvard-Smithsonian CfA), M. Ward (U of Leicester, UK), G. Trinchieri (Osservatorio Astronomico di Brera)
(Photo: CXC)
11. 19.02 Radio Counterparts to X-rays Sources in M83
C. J. Stockdale (NRL/NRC), J. J. Cowan, L. A. Maddox (University of Oklahoma), C. K. Lacey (University of South Carolina), M. P. Rupen (NRAO), A. H. Prestwich, R. Kilgard, M. I. Krauss, A. Zezas (CfA)
(Photo: CXC)
C. J. Stockdale (NRL/NRC), J. J. Cowan, L. A. Maddox (University of Oklahoma), C. K. Lacey (University of South Carolina), M. P. Rupen (NRAO), A. H. Prestwich, R. Kilgard, M. I. Krauss, A. Zezas (CfA)
(Photo: CXC)
12. Chandra Observations of the Eagle Nebula: Seeing through the ``Pillars of Creation''
A.M. Mytyk, K.J. Daniel, M. Gagne (West Chester University), J.L. Linsky (JILA/University of Colorado)
(Photo: CXC)
A.M. Mytyk, K.J. Daniel, M. Gagne (West Chester University), J.L. Linsky (JILA/University of Colorado)
(Photo: CXC)
13. Diffuse Emission in the Nucleus of M31
A.Dosaj, M.Garcia, W.Forman, C.Jones, S.Murray, R.Kraft, A.Kong, F.Primini, R.Di Stefano (CfA)
(Photo: CXC)
A.Dosaj, M.Garcia, W.Forman, C.Jones, S.Murray, R.Kraft, A.Kong, F.Primini, R.Di Stefano (CfA)
(Photo: CXC)
14. Diffuse Emission in the Nucleus of M31
A.Dosaj, M.Garcia, W.Forman, C.Jones, S.Murray, R.Kraft, A.Kong, F.Primini, R.Di Stefano (CfA)
(Photo: CXC)
A.Dosaj, M.Garcia, W.Forman, C.Jones, S.Murray, R.Kraft, A.Kong, F.Primini, R.Di Stefano (CfA)
(Photo: CXC)
15. Transient and Variable X-Ray Sources in M31: Chandra and XMM-Newton results
S. Trudolyubov, K. Borozdin (NIS-2, Los Alamos National Laboratory), W. Priedhorsky (NIS-DO, Los Alamos National Laboratory), R. Shirey (NIS-2, Los Alamos National Laboratory), K. Mason (Mullard Space Science Laboratory, University College, London, UK), M. Watson (University of Leicester, UK)
(Photo: CXC)
S. Trudolyubov, K. Borozdin (NIS-2, Los Alamos National Laboratory), W. Priedhorsky (NIS-DO, Los Alamos National Laboratory), R. Shirey (NIS-2, Los Alamos National Laboratory), K. Mason (Mullard Space Science Laboratory, University College, London, UK), M. Watson (University of Leicester, UK)
(Photo: CXC)
16. Transient and Variable X-Ray Sources in M31: Chandra and XMM-Newton results
S. Trudolyubov, K. Borozdin (NIS-2, Los Alamos National Laboratory), W. Priedhorsky (NIS-DO, Los Alamos National Laboratory), R. Shirey (NIS-2, Los Alamos National Laboratory), K. Mason (Mullard Space Science Laboratory, University College, London, UK), M. Watson (University of Leicester, UK)
(Photo: CXC)
S. Trudolyubov, K. Borozdin (NIS-2, Los Alamos National Laboratory), W. Priedhorsky (NIS-DO, Los Alamos National Laboratory), R. Shirey (NIS-2, Los Alamos National Laboratory), K. Mason (Mullard Space Science Laboratory, University College, London, UK), M. Watson (University of Leicester, UK)
(Photo: CXC)
17. Multi-Scale Structures in Chandra Images of Cen A
M. Karovska, G. Fabbiano, M. Elvis, S.S. Murray, R. Kraft, F. Nicastro, M. Juda, T. Aldcroft, T. Gaetz, D. Jerius, A. Kenter (Harvard-Smithsonian CfA).
(Photo: CXC)
M. Karovska, G. Fabbiano, M. Elvis, S.S. Murray, R. Kraft, F. Nicastro, M. Juda, T. Aldcroft, T. Gaetz, D. Jerius, A. Kenter (Harvard-Smithsonian CfA).
(Photo: CXC)
18. Multi-Scale Structures in Chandra Images of Cen A
M. Karovska, G. Fabbiano, M. Elvis, S.S. Murray, R. Kraft, F. Nicastro, M. Juda, T. Aldcroft, T. Gaetz, D. Jerius, A. Kenter (Harvard-Smithsonian CfA).
(Photo: CXC)
M. Karovska, G. Fabbiano, M. Elvis, S.S. Murray, R. Kraft, F. Nicastro, M. Juda, T. Aldcroft, T. Gaetz, D. Jerius, A. Kenter (Harvard-Smithsonian CfA).
(Photo: CXC)
19. Extended X-ray Emission in Arp 220
J.C. McDowell (Harvard-Smithsonian CfA), D. Clements (Imperial College, London), S. Lamb (UIUC), S. Arribas, K. Borne (STScI), C. Mundell (Manchester), A. C. Baker (Cardiff), L. Colina (CSIC, Madrid)
(Photo: CXC)
J.C. McDowell (Harvard-Smithsonian CfA), D. Clements (Imperial College, London), S. Lamb (UIUC), S. Arribas, K. Borne (STScI), C. Mundell (Manchester), A. C. Baker (Cardiff), L. Colina (CSIC, Madrid)
(Photo: CXC)
20. The UMASS/Columbia Galactic Center Chandra Survey: Multi-wavelength Counterparts
C.Lang, Q.D.Wang (UMASS) & E.V.Gotthelf (Columbia)
(Photo: CXC)
C.Lang, Q.D.Wang (UMASS) & E.V.Gotthelf (Columbia)
(Photo: CXC)
21. The UMASS/Columbia Galactic Center Chandra Survey: Preliminary Imaging and Spectral Analysis
E.V.Gotthelf (Columbia), C.Lang, Q.D.Wang (UMASS) & F.Jagodzinksi (Columbia)
(Photo: CXC)
E.V.Gotthelf (Columbia), C.Lang, Q.D.Wang (UMASS) & F.Jagodzinksi (Columbia)
(Photo: CXC)
22. High Energy Emission From the Young Massive Cluster RCW 38
S.J. Wolk (Harvard-Smithsonian CfA), J. Alves (ESO), T.L. Bourke, R. Smith (Harvard-Smithsonian CfA)
(Photo: CXC)
S.J. Wolk (Harvard-Smithsonian CfA), J. Alves (ESO), T.L. Bourke, R. Smith (Harvard-Smithsonian CfA)
(Photo: CXC)
23. January 2002 AAS in Washington, D.C.
S.J. Wolk (Harvard-Smithsonian CfA), J. Alves (ESO), T.L. Bourke, R. Smith (Harvard-Smithsonian CfA)
(Photo: CXC)
S.J. Wolk (Harvard-Smithsonian CfA), J. Alves (ESO), T.L. Bourke, R. Smith (Harvard-Smithsonian CfA)
(Photo: CXC)
24. Chandra Observations of the Disruption of the Cool Core in Abell 133
Y. Fujita, C. L. Sarazin (University of Virginia)
(Photo: CXC)
Y. Fujita, C. L. Sarazin (University of Virginia)
(Photo: CXC)
25. Studying the Environment Around NGC 3607 and NGC 3608 with Chandra
J. P. Grimes, W. Forman, C. Jones (Harvard-Smithsonian CfA)
(Photo: CXC)
J. P. Grimes, W. Forman, C. Jones (Harvard-Smithsonian CfA)
(Photo: CXC)
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